Hey, there — I’m Rachel, a small town writer and full-time traveler from Maine with passion for story-telling and vulnerability.

Originally from Maine, I have always had a passion for storytelling—though more specifically vulnerability through writing. I’ve been creating content across the internet for over a decade now, documenting different milestones in my life, my adventures around the world, my inner thoughts and moments of introspection, all in the pursuit of fostering connection through shared experiences and inspiration for those not.

I’ve done this through many different mediums—fictional storytelling, journalistic articles, podcasts, film photography, graphic design. Truly, the list could go on and on, hence why I like to think of myself as a jack-of-all-trades. I am strong believer that art fosters empathy, and when used intentionally, it can create community from nothing.

On this little corner of the internet, you will find all of the above. It’s quite the scrapbook, filled with miscellaneous posts, each with their own story and purpose. I hope you will find something of value in this gem mine.

Should you like to learn more about my professional work, explore my Portfolio. Or to keep up with chaos of my day-to-day, follow me on Instagram.

For any business inquiries, please email me through the contact form or connect on LinkedIn.